Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Race Of Action

"Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does." ~James 1:22-25.
You would say it is foolish for a man to die of hunger with bread in his hands. You might also say that a man with tools in his hands doing no wok, is also foolish. Yet how many times in life are we ourselves like that man? We learn of so much scripture knowledge, yet do not apply it. We pick up the tools often, but do no work. What good is scripture if we do not apply it to our lives? It is like a man who looks face to face with his very own being in the mirror, then walks away, forgetting what he looked like. He looks and he leaves, and eventually forgets what he saw. If you do not do something that needs to be done when you see it, it may never get done at all. Often a sermon is gone on a monday. It is sad, yet true. On Sunday we go to the mirror, but when Monday comes our way, we walk away from the mirror; forgetting what we saw. You see...The mirror shows our spiritual blemishes. It shows of the imperfections and ugliness in our lives, and that ugliness is sin. The mirror exposes our sins. Some choose to fix the problem immediately, others run from it. It is not complete when we walk away from the mirror prematurely. Picture a man shaving in front of the mirror, then he gets distracted by something else, and ends up running his errands with half of his beard on one side, and the other half left bare. It would look; incomplete. At that point it would have been better if he had avoided shaving altogether. The point is this, we must come to the mirror (or the word of God) with an attitude that says; "Lord expose my ugliness and make me beautiful." When you look into the word of God and keep looking with perserverance you will benefit from it. Often we think that if we listen to a sermon, we are doing our "spiritual duty." The blessing is not in the hearing, but in the doing. Satan could care less if we memorize verses. He cares when we live them out. Obedience longs with the depths of the heart to do what is right. Some have been content to hear and not apply, but as Christians, we choose to examine ourselves in the mirror and let God expose our imperfections so that He can cure us and shape us, and make us more like Him. The application of truth transforms a life!
So the real question is this...what are YOU going to do about it? When you hear the word of God, are you going to let it change you?
With swift feet, let us run to put His word into action!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is good to see you think through these things. They are what Christianity is all about living in love and obedience not just talk and activity. It is important to stare into the mirrow and really see what God is showing us. It is so easy to say, I looked and walked away, ready for the next message without letting this one change us. It doesn't matter how much knowledge we accumulate if we don't let it change us.

    What we do we believe, the rest is just religous talk - N.W.

  3. Thank you for your encouraging thoughts! Those are some great points!
    I especially love this "We do what we believe, the rest is just religous talk" that is so true.

  4. This is great Alina! Thanks for posting! Keep going and continually seek the Lord, pursue him every day my dear! Be passionate for righteousness and holiness, it can't be sought after enough. Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48), it can be done for "I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13) Your perfection will begin here and finish in heaven! Thank you for the encouragement and words of wisdom while I try to pursue that perfection. :) Can't wait to see you again!

  5. Thank you for your encouragement Tabitha!

  6. Hi Alina,
    We (Candace and I) are wondering if you are going to post your honorable mention essay/article. Congratulations on that. When we saw that you were trying to convince Tayla to buy you "Roots and Vines," we concluded that you must be taking the class too. God Bless.

  7. Hey girls! Thanks :) Well I actually have the article on the blog already. The one I sent in I edited a little more but its basically the same. If you go into older posts (or blog archive) its called "rivers of living water". God bless! :)
