Friday, September 3, 2010

Rivers of living water

Here are some of my thoughts on John chapter seven...

John 7:37 tells us "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink."

The world offers us warm dirty water "come drink this water" more like "come drink this mud!" Though we may not see it, we all have drunken of these dirty waters. But what are these waters? These waters are anything that the world offers. For example you may love to play an instrument, you drink from that everyday, but you will always thirst and it will never satisfy. Or maybe you drink from sports and you put all your time and effort into that sport and expect by the end of the day to be satisfied, but you'll end up thirsting again. Perhaps you drink from a friend of family member expecting everything instead of drinking from the Lord. You will end up disappointed in your friend or family member for not providing you with everything you expected, and as a result you will end up thirsting again. Maybe you drink from music, movies, books, video games ect... when have you drunken from these things and not come back empty and thirsty? Imagine yourself on a blazing hot summer day and someone offers you a cup of warm muddy lake water.
Then someone else offers you a cup of clear ice cold water. Which will you choose? It is pretty much obvious now isn't it? If your smart you'll take the nice cool water and after you drink of it you will be satisfied and refreshed. And you will come drink of this water daily to keep you healthy and refreshed. The sad thing is, most people grab the warm dirty cup without hesitation. After they gulp it down they usually feel disgusting, they thirst for something better but they never drink of it. And after drinking of this water everyday they end up dieing as a result of the infected water. We look at this picture and say to ourselves "who in their right mind would be so clueless as to drink of that infestation?" But we see it around us everyday. And often drink of it ourselves. The filthy cup represents your sin, are you disgusted when you drink from it? There are two wells which you are drinking from:The worlds infected water, or the pure refreshing springs of eternal life from the Lord.There is no compromise, no well in between, you are drinking from one well, which is it?
Often "Christians" take John 7:37 and only apply the first part "come". They can come all they want, they can even come all the way face to face with Jesus, but they do not drink. And why don't they drink? In order to do so they must turn their backs on this world to turn to Jesus. They must drop everything and walk. Most people don't want to make that sacrifice. So they come and stand face to face with Jesus and listen to Him say "come and drink" they hear and apply the "come" then they turn their backs on Him and go back to the comforts and dirty waters of this world. They hide behind the fact that they have "come" but ignore the fact that they must "drink". John 7:38:"He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." Jesus is referring to those who have come and drank. "He who believes in me" He is talking about believers. He uses this picture as an example for the believers position in Christ. The believer is to "come and drink" daily and as a result out of the believers heart will flow rivers of living water. Do you see that? Christ will be shown in the believers life! "Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water" those rivers will flow out of the believers heart into his life! And the world will see those rivers, the world will want to drink from those rivers. Believers do not "come and drink" just once. Believers keep coming and keep drinking of these waters daily, to keep themselves healthy and refreshed. There are two cups being offered to you, which will you choose? Keep coming, keep drinking. This is what it means to come and drink of Jesus Christ.

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  1. This is really good! I look forward to getting to read more!!!

  2. Alina,
    that was beautifully written!
    The Lord used it to convict me of some of the "mud" I've been drinking. Now, it's time for me to work on changing my sense of taste so that I direct it continually to the living water and not to the unfulfilling mud. . .

  3. Thank you! :) Very glad to hear it :)
