Monday, September 6, 2010

Singing In The Rain!

Often in life we trust God when we see sunshine, but in what way do we react when it rains? Do we let the gloomy skies take over? Do we match the gray clouds? Most of the time we make ourselves believe we have no choice, when it rains we instantly pull out an umbrella and let our smiles turn to a frown. When it rains we focus on the fact that it isn't sunny, we aren't content and don't trust God. Scripture tells us to be content whatever the circumstances. Scripture constantly reminds us to trust God. When it is sunny blue skies we do, but as soon as that blue turns to gray, we turn from sunshine to rain.
Do you ever see those people that always look so...sunny? As if their oblivious to the fact that it is raining. Why are they like that? Does it ever rain in their lives? It rains in everyone's lives, rain is a natural part of life. Then what makes them so sunny? Its the way they choose to deal with the rain. While most people pull out their umbrella's and push through the crowds, there are some who trust God in the rain. They splash in puddles and dance around. They are not afraid to get wet. They know the storm won't kill them, so they choose to make the best of it. I heard a quote once that applies to this topic very well; "the happiest people don't neccisarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything." Who are these people you may ask? These are people who trust in God whatever the circumstances. These are people who make the best of the storms, by singing in the rain!

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